Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Interview

So today was my interview and I must say it went REALLY well. I think I pretty much have the job, but I have to think about it. Or just wait a few days just in case I hear back from some other companies.

Ryan, Tori and I relaxing and celebrating my possible new job

On another note, I was really appalled when I went in Nordstrom to talk with the manager since I haven't heard back from them. They haven't returned my calls and my calls have been important because it's been about the application. The lady that turned me away said this to me, " We won't let you talk to them because you'll take up too much of their time." Isn't it important for employers to take time for maybe their future employees. I have never come across that in my life.
On another fun note, my friend Tori and I went on a spontaneous trip to this cupcake store. This store happened to be the store where I won free cupcakes from. And I have to say those cupcakes were amazing. Check it out it's called Frostings.
Now that this job hunting thing is possibly coming to a close, I can look forward to vacation, and chaperoning a retreat full of middle schoolers. I'm just worried about the money situation... My bank account is looking a little bare and I have about 2 more things to pay for. Man am I going to be praying hard till I get a paycheck. I'm cutting it close! Not safe...not safe at all. Here's hoping everything will be fine.

1 comment:

  1. 1. that dress looks familiar
    2. yay on the job!
    3. nordstroms has that reputation regardless of what anyone says. trust me, it may not be worth your time in the end. if they treat possible employees that way, how will they treat actual employees?
