Friday, June 18, 2010


I'm super excited because tomorrow I go on VACATION! YES! All I can think of Sun, Sand, and a Drink in my hand as Kenney Chesney puts it. The only thing is, I hope the water has no oil in it.

It's funny how things are. I'm currently trying to pack... Yes I'm a last minute packer. I keep finding things. It's so unusual. I CAN NEVER FIND ANYTHING FOR MY LIFE. I found my watch I have been looking for, for ages, along with my Glengarry Bhoys "Juice" CD, and I successfully found my MP3 player with charger and case. Also i found clothes I have been missing for for a few months now too. All I can think, "How could I have misplaced so many things?" Crazy I know.

I finally picked up some more of my free cupcakes I won from Frostings for the trip. They look delicious!  Downfall, my mother gave me a 24 hour stomach bug that she caught from her friend or the gym that her and her friend went to. I'm hoping I'll be fine tomorrow, or riding in a truck with 3 dogs and my sister is NOT going to be fun! Luckily I found my MP3 player right?? I can at least watch Wall-e or Wanted to pass my time!

Watch out Beach, here I come!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Interview

So today was my interview and I must say it went REALLY well. I think I pretty much have the job, but I have to think about it. Or just wait a few days just in case I hear back from some other companies.

Ryan, Tori and I relaxing and celebrating my possible new job

On another note, I was really appalled when I went in Nordstrom to talk with the manager since I haven't heard back from them. They haven't returned my calls and my calls have been important because it's been about the application. The lady that turned me away said this to me, " We won't let you talk to them because you'll take up too much of their time." Isn't it important for employers to take time for maybe their future employees. I have never come across that in my life.
On another fun note, my friend Tori and I went on a spontaneous trip to this cupcake store. This store happened to be the store where I won free cupcakes from. And I have to say those cupcakes were amazing. Check it out it's called Frostings.
Now that this job hunting thing is possibly coming to a close, I can look forward to vacation, and chaperoning a retreat full of middle schoolers. I'm just worried about the money situation... My bank account is looking a little bare and I have about 2 more things to pay for. Man am I going to be praying hard till I get a paycheck. I'm cutting it close! Not safe...not safe at all. Here's hoping everything will be fine.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Glimmer of Hope

As i was calling back the stores that I have applied for over the past few weeks, I have had a glimmer of hope shine upon me for a few mins. I have a job interview tomorrow. It pays not so well, but it's better than nothing.

Me receiving this interview has given me hope for the future. I'm hoping I also hear back from somone at Nordstrom's. I really would love to work for them. But as for now, I will go in tomorrow and do my best. Hopefully I won't get so nervous I screw up the words that will come out of my mouth. Hopefully this glimmer of hope will turn into a great big light at the end of the tunnel for my unemployed self. As for the doubt of this place hiring me because I have a vacation coming up and my youth retreat, it hasn't gone away. It's there BIG TIME. Hopefully I can overcome that next.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Unemployment Sucks

As a college student, money can be hard to come by. I had it pretty good when in school, a babysitting job that payed semi-well but didn't really pay for my gas for the car, and I started to sell Mark. products. I also, towards the end of my babysitting job, became more financially aware of my bank account, or lack there of the money. What I didn't realize was, the person who hired me as the sitter was truly unsure if she needed me for the summer. She really didn't tell me until it was summer for her kids, and you guessed it, she didn't need me.

My adventure now is consisting of finding a job. It sucks, because it's the end of June and basically all the summer jobs are gone. I have applied to Fossil, Francesca's Collections, William-Sonoma, Fabrik, Victoria's Secret, Charlotte Russe, and Bath and Body Works. I have yet to hear from any of them. I have called to see my application status, but they all said they haven't looked at any of the applications yet. So I have to wait. I HATE WAITING. I'm the most impatient person in the world. I have also sent emails out with my resume to YMCA and even the history museum in VA.

But recently I came across Nordstrom's. They have a lot of positions open so my hope began to rise. Let's pray I hear something soon. If not I'm going to go crazy. I'm a flat broke college student that now has no money to pay for school when it starts.

The only other thing that is beginning to worry me is that I'm going on vacation at the end of this week, then going on a church youth retreat as a chaperon... Who's gonna hire me when I can't work at the end of this month and the beginning of July.

So let me just say unemployment sucks. In this chapter of my life I have applied to bunches of stores, sitting and waiting, calling, trying to get my Mark. business to work, and did I mention waiting?? I'm convinced that the economy is NOT getting better like the stupid media is saying. If it was, you would be seeing more college and high school kids in the jobs that they would usually be in. That's the end of my rant for now, now for my 15 sec. advertisement for my mark business: visit my store Shop around. There are actually some cute clothes and accessories. Also awesome makeup and skin care products.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I was inspired by my best friend

So I was inspired from my best friend Emilie to start a blog. I really don't know what this blog about. It might be a bit random, but I would like this to be thoughts to ponder upon or something like that. I'm a person who likes to take adventures, maybe vent about those dumb drivers, share my thoughts on some things or share some really cool crafts and activities I have found. I hope you enjoy. I'm sorry for my randomness, but if you knew me you would understand!