Saturday, August 28, 2010

Today's Thought: America's So called "open mindness"

So I just want to get this off my chest. I keep my political statements and values to myself usually just because I don't want to upset anyone, but today is a different day. If I have upset you I am sorry, but this is MY opinion and if you have a problem with it you don't have to read it.

I just got done watching part of the Glenn Beck rally in D.C.. I didn't get to see all of it just like the end 30 mins. I have to say wow. What a great way of showing the right of free speech. I also think it's great that Martin Luther King Jr.'s daughter came out and said her father would of loved that Glenn Beck is doing this.

What gets on my nerves, yes I know we have two very different political sides, but people that think they are SOOO open minded but then they turn down every idea or every opinion that they think is crap. Well to me that shows that they are not very open minded. I like to call these people, so open minded that you're close minded.  If you were open minded you would listen before you speak. You wouldn't interrupt someone if they were trying to give you their full opinion. You would take it in, come to a decision and you can speak your opinion back if you wanted. But you wouldn't give them crap for what they believe in.

Seriously, what has the world come to??  YES we have two political sides, but we are one America. Right now I see America divided because of what's going on in the office. Should America be like that just because one person took office. No. I'm sorry it shouldn't. I know it's not perfect and there is going to be some division because of radical ideas.... but I'm sorry America really shouldn't be like this. People are starting to turn towards hate if they find out if you dislike this one person and etc. Something should be done. The government needs to get their heads out of their butts and listen to all these people complaining around the world. We need to be united once again. There needs to be a change.

1 comment:

  1. it all boils down to misconceptions and accepted stereotypes...for're a republican/conservative means you must be a racist war monger.....
