Saturday, August 14, 2010


As I'm waiting for my laundry to be done and my boyfriend to IM me back on Facebook, I decided that writing a blog post tonight would be a good idea. But what topic to write about? I work weekdays but have the weekends off, but nothing truly eventful has happened.

Yesterday was a good day though! My boyfriend and I had a date night and we say the Tiffany: Color and Light exhibit at VMFA. Let me just say it was amazing and beautiful, and the new and improved museum is spectacular! I got lost because it seemed like a totally different place than before. I just recommend going to see the new design of the museum. The Tiffany show should be done after tomorrow (August 15).

So this blog is called EXCITEMENT. Why you may ask? Becaaaaaauuusssse I have gone through ALL of my clothes and got rid half or maybe a little over. I'm getting some cute stuff in soon. I'm getting a skirt that looks like a tutu of one of my favorite artists statues. The ballerina by Degas! I'm super excited. Then I got 2 shirts that came to 7 dollars and a shirt from Francesca's Collection that was 10 dollars that looks amazing and classy! I'm so ready to get rid of all my old clothes that i have had for over 6 years. Basically all my clothes had holes or started to look like rags! So I'm just a little bit excited. I'll actually feel my age instead of feeling like a 15 year old! If you know me you'll definitely know how excited I am! I can't wait I think my skirt comes in tomorrow!!! YAY I'll post pictures when I get the chance. The store that I got it from stopped selling it! WOOT WOOT

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