Monday, September 6, 2010

all I can say is WOW!

So I found myself soooome how getting into a mindless Facebook fight, that turned out not to be a fight at at all? I'm kind of confused myself. But all I have to say, the girl that I 'got in a fight with.' She has her issues, but she also has to realize everything isn't about her.

Let's just say this 'fight' broke out over someone elses status. I was thinking, "well I know this girl's situation because I also live with my parents, here's some background info: I just saw her parents last night because of a cook out my family had. We are very good friends with this family to say the least. This girl's status is basically saying how she thinks her life sucks because she still lives with her parents yada yada yada. And basically what I'm guessing what I heard last night at the cookout, her parents are extremely worried about her so they had a talk.
So I proceeded to comment that you know if she ever needs to talk through somethings, I know her situation. And your family is going to be there no matter what. Here comes the fight. This girl comments on my comment and made it pointless. So as I'm feeling very eager to stand up for myself I comment back etc. So long story short, this girl who haad to comment on my comment just needs help. So I basically told her you know in your situation you have to stay positive, then she blew up on me for just trying to say something positive to her. Well I took it for blowing up.  Turns out she didn't mean it in a harsh way at all. So I just played off my defensive comments and apologized because it really was my fault.

But my random thought from all this is, don't post a status or a comment that replies to someone elses comment if you don't want someone to try and talk to you, especially if  it's serious. I just really think it's funny when someone says something that obviously says please help, but then it back fires when someone tries to reach out and say something positive to help lift the person up in a time of need. Yes they may not know what you're going through, but at least someone is trying to help you make your day a bit. So don't go throw a pity party that your life is so bad and woe is me. Yes your life may be bad right now, but it can change. If you want out of your house, you have the choice to go get a job, get education to get a better job, and become a much happier person because you did so, than to sit on your butt, go to clubs, spend your little money on drinks, and complain that you're not happy. Obviously going to clubs and sit and complain ain't going to make things better for you. BE PROACTIVE.